Higsa Talks 2019

Date: April, 5th, 2019
Purpose: The main goals of the event are to promote networks between the presenters and the undergraduate and graduate audience, to encourage mentorship relations between presenters and students with shared interests, and to narrow the gap between theory and practice favored by the format of the presentations (short and of easy understanding for non-experts).
Event description: HiGSA Talks offers a safe inclusive interdisciplinary space where the FSU members, doing any type research and work about Latin America or interested in Latin America, can share their findings and/or experiences. This year, we partnered with the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication, who helped HiGSA with the communication and advertising plans. We maintained last year’s format, in which students from different fields and nationalities shared their research and experiences with Hispanic countries and culture. We also brought two keynote speakers: Dr. Ivis Gardia, Assistant professor in City and Metropolitan Planning at the University of Utah, and Dr. Roger Pacheco, Ph.D. in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics from FSU, former HIGSA treasurer, and current Postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Engineering and Coastal Processes in Mexico. We close the event with empanadas from Super Perros and non-alcoholic beverages.