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The 10th Anniversary HiGSA Gala will take place on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 7 pm - 9 pm in the Student Services Building SSB 208, 218.

HiGSA Talks will take place on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 9 am- 4 pm at the Center for Global Engagement, followed by the 10th Anniversary HiGSA Gala at the Student Services Building.
Oct 11, 2023
Representation matters! HiGSA visits Godby HS's HHM College Culture Day!
Hispanic/Latino students are the second largest population on Godby's campus and are heavily under represented. The goal for this event is for students to feel seen and heard on campus and to see that they too have a place in higher education.

2024 International Bazaar February 17, 2024 | 2-5 p.m. | FSU Student Union Ballrooms
The Center for Global Engagement's Annual International Bazaar is a free event that gives campus cultural groups the opportunity to share their history and heritage while giving individuals the opportunity to learn about cultures and traditions from around the world. The International Bazaar usually takes place in spring each year and is attended by several hundred members of the FSU and greater Tallahassee community.
In addition to table displays from student organizations, the International Bazaar also features a variety of international foods attendees may sample.

2024 International Bazaar February 17, 2024 | 2-5 p.m. | FSU Student Union Ballrooms
The Center for Global Engagement's Annual International Bazaar is a free event that gives campus cultural groups the opportunity to share their history and heritage while giving individuals the opportunity to learn about cultures and traditions from around the world. The International Bazaar usually takes place in spring each year and is attended by several hundred members of the FSU and greater Tallahassee community.
In addition to table displays from student organizations, the International Bazaar also features a variety of international foods attendees may sample.

Hello HiGSA people, we are looking for you!!!🕵️♀️👀🕵️ Do you want to be part of the board?🤩
Join the team to keep the promotion of our culture, engage with our community and enhance soft skills while improving your CV 😎.
Check the tasks each officer has and choose your vibe! Self nominations are encouraged, but if you know of someone ideal for the job, nominate them here:

HiGSA Talks offers a safe and inclusive interdisciplinary space where FSU members and friends can share their findings and experiences when doing their research. If you are Latin/Ibero-American, do research related to the Hispanic community, or want to share your insights in Spanish or English, this might be an excellent opportunity to share your expertise with our FSU community.
One of the event's main goals is to provide a safe and inclusive platform for presenters to share their knowledge in a welcoming space. Besides, the presenters can engage a broader audience about their interests. Also, HiGSA Talks serves as a social setting for networking and fostering relationships between the presenters, the Keynote Speakers, and the attendees.
This year, HIGSA Talks will be held between April 8th and 9th at The Globe auditorium at Florida State University. Coffee & Lunch will be provided per RSVP.

Date: February 17th, 2023
Purpose: The main goal of being part of the International Bazar is to share with FSU and Tallahassee community about our association and the impact of the Hispanic community in the world. Moreover, we are able to promote the Hispanic culture and engage FSU students to be part of the association.
Event description: HiGSA will be part of the International Bazar. At this event, HiGSA will display a table and will engage with a TRIVA game. We will share traditional candies from Colombia and Venezuela, facilitated by COGS and Venebites, a local vendor. The Center of Global Engagement will share typical food, among those, Tamales from Mexico, sharing some of our Hispanic food with more than 400 attendees.

Date: February 11th, 2023
Purpose: To enhance our relationships with other organizations, HiGSA is excited to announce that we will co-host a bowling event with the Spanish Graduate Student Organization.
Description of Event: We have 6 lanes reserved at the FSU Student Union Bowling and Billiards Center (lower level of the new union) from 4 to 6 PM. We hope to see you there!

Purpose: To help students deal with cultural shock, get to know people with a similar background, and have a smoother settle in.
Description: Around the year, HiGSA members help new incoming students to settle in by picking them up from their airport, hosting them during the first days, and taking them on Wal-Mart runs to help them get what they needed.
Date: Sep. 18th, 2017
Purpose: To explain to the new members about HiGSA and promote the activities planned for the future semester. It is an excellent opportunity to nominate future board candidates for election and explain the roles of each one in order to renew the board each year.
Event description: This was the first event of the semester where HiGSA’s board members welcomed back current members and attracted the new ones to the organization. Basically, we did a social gathering where people got to know each other, talked about their academic plans, and shared experiences. Also, HIGSA’s board explained the purpose of the association and promoted the activities planned for the semester. Besides, it was an opportunity to nominate future board candidates for election and explain the roles of each. For this event, HiGSA provided food, beverages, and desserts, such as pizzas,sandwiches, sodas, water, chips, and cookies for 120 people. This year, HiGSA organized the first Hispanic film festival in town. The location of this event was Askew Student Life Center on campus to join the Meet & Greet with the opening of the film festival.

Dates: September 18th, September 19th, September 26th, October 2nd, October 3rd, October 10th, October 17th, and October 24th.
Purpose: Cinehassee screens a series of films from Hispanic countries, as well as those that address topics related to the Hispanic culture. The main goal of the Festival is to provide multiple viewpoints, inform, discuss, address complex social issues, strengthen ties between our diverse community, and raise awareness on issues concerning the characteristics, importance, and impact of the Hispanic people and their idiosyncrasy.
Event description: Cinehassee is an exceptional event, not only for the FSU Community but also for Tallahassee. This year, the Festival became the first Hispanic film festival in Tallahassee and its surrounding areas. During an entire month, people were able to enjoy eight films and four short films from several countries, including Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico. The movies portrayed a wide range of topics such as politics, poetry, migration, and human rights. These were screens in Spanish with English subtitles or in English. Half of the movies were followed by a Q&A sessions featuring a panel of experts. We also were able to bring Juan Pablo San Esteban, one of the screenwriters and editors of the short film: Juan Perros. Our community was able to enjoy, learn, discuss, and share the Hispanic heritage, creativity, and diversity during the Festival.

Date: October 24th
Purpose: The purpose of the event was to celebrate the pursuit of higher education by providing high school students from Tallahassee and other surrounding towns with an activity-filled day where they learned about Hispanic Culture and the value of higher education.
Event description: Hispanified 2017 was an event co-hosted by Cinehassee and the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication to celebrate the Hispanic heritage and promote higher education to local youth. This event was organized around the film The Book of Life, the closing movie of Cinehassee at FSU. The film was followed by a little contest where questions about the movie were made and prizes were given. There was a campus tour and a lunch was provided featuring successful Hispanic Scholars and athletes. During the lunch, a graduate account planning class was conducting ethnographic research about motivation of high school students to pursue higher education.

Date: October 11th, 2017
Purpose: We organized a fundraising event at La Tiendita, Tallahassee, to help reconstruct the lives of our sisters and brothers affected by the earthquake that took place on September 19 in Mexico. The restaurant donated 30% of the Earthquake Relief attendees’ bill. We fundraised $450.
Event Description: HiGSA advertised the event through social media. Three HiGSA members donated their time to perform music during the event.

Date: October 11th, 2017
Purpose: To exchange ideas with individuals spanning the the political and social spectrum. To collectively define why diversity matters. To collectively create spaces for catalyzing our differences into action.
Event Description: This was part of the Shared Spaces Series led by The Power of We, a student-led initiative to celebrate and promote FSU diversity.

Date: December 1st, 2017
Purpose: To expose the FSU community to the way Christmas is celebrated in Latin America.
Event description: HiGSA members baked the traditional Mexican “Rosca de Reyes” along with “Ponche”. Also, we set up a table with pictures showing the traditions from countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Panama, etc.

Date: January 11th, 2018
Purpose: To present HiGSA as an opportunity for students to further create their FSU experience.
Event description: The Involvement Fair occurs every fall and spring semester and serves as an opportunity for students to further create their FSU experience by learning more about all the opportunities that FSU has to find community, explore interests, and develop a diverse set of skills. Hundreds of recognized student organizations and campus departments combined make up the tabling portion of the event!

Date: January 12th, 2018
Purpose: Explain to the new members about HiGSA and promote the activities planned for the future semester.
Event description: This was the first event of the semester where board members of HiGSA welcomed back current members and attracted the new ones to the organization. Basically, it was a social gathering where people got to know each other, talked about their academic plans, and shared experiences. For this event, HiGSA provided food, beverages, and desserts, such as pizzas, sodas, water. The location of this event was Crenshaw Lanes, the bowling center located in the Oglesby Union.

Date: February 17th, 2018
Purpose: The main goal of being part of the International Bazar is to share with FSU and Tallahassee community the traditional carnivals that take place in Hispanic countries. In this way, we can spread the Hispanic culture and engage FSU students to be part of the association and learn more about our culture.
Event description: HiGSA will be part of the International Bazar. At this event, HiGSA will display a table with the theme of “Hispanic Carnivals”, where we will share the traditional clothes, music, and dances that take part in the celebration of Carnivals in different Hispanic countries. Also, we will have a performance of Andean music. Finally, we will share a traditional Hispanic dessert along with some Hispanic soft drinks.

Date: March 30th, 2018
Purpose: The main goals of the event are to promote networks between the presenters (faculty and students) and the undergraduate and graduate audience, to encourage mentorship relations between presenters and students with shared interests, and to narrow the gap between theory and practice favored by the format of the presentations (short and of easy understanding for non-experts).
Event description: HiGSA Talks offers a safe inclusive interdisciplinary space where the FSU members, doing any type research and work about Latin America, or interested in Latin America, can share their findings and/or experiences. Students from different fields and nationalities will be sharing their research and experiences with Hispanic countries and culture. There will be two keynote speakers: a FSU and University of Kentucky professor. There will be talks in English and Spanish. After the talks, there will be a section of Q&A and a networking mixer. Appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages are provided during the networking mixer. The Talks last from 4:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Date: April 6th, 2018
Purpose: To share with FSU community one of the traditional foods from Hispanic countries, as well as our traditions during Eastern Time.
Event description: HiGSA members will bake Hispanic food and prepare beverages (to be decided) to share it with FSU community.

Date: May 4th, 2018
Purpose: To recognize those members that worked closely with the organization throughout the academic year to promote social and academic gatherings, those who were awarded for their academic excellence, and to say goodbye to those who finished their academic studies and are leaving Tallahassee.
Event description: This is the closing event of the academic year. It consists of a social gathering, where we will give awards and recognitions to some members. Also, it helps to strengthen bonds with students that are leaving the city.

Date: Sep. 16th, 2018
Purpose: To explain to the new members about HiGSA and promote the activities planned for the future semester. Besides, it is an excellent opportunity to propose future board candidates for election and explain the roles of each one in order to renew the board each year.
Event description: This was the first event of the semester where HiGSA’s board members welcomed back current members and attracted the new ones to the organization. We did a social gathering where people got to know each other, talked about their academic plans, and shared experiences. Also, HIGSA board explained the purpose of the association and promoted the activities planned for the semester. Besides, it was an opportunity to propose future board candidates for election and explain the roles of each. For this event, HiGSA provided food and beverages from a local vendor, La Tiendita, which included sodas, water, chips, and Mexican food for 91 people. This year, HiGSA organized the second Hispanic film festival in town, then the location of this event was Askew Student Life Center on campus to join the Meet & Greet with the opening of the film festival.

Date: September 16th, September 18th, September 23th, September 25th, September 30th, October 7th, October 16th, October 21th, and November 14th.
Purpose: Cinehassee streams a series of films from Hispanic countries, as well as those that address topics related to the Hispanic culture. The main goal of the Festival is to provide multiple viewpoints, inform, discuss, address complex social issues, strengthen ties between our diverse community, and raise awareness on issues concerning the characteristics, importance, and impact of the Hispanic people and their idiosyncrasy.
Event description: Cinehassee is an exceptional event, not only for the FSU Community but also for Tallahassee. The Festival is the only Hispanic film festival in Tallahassee and its surrounded areas. During an entire month, people were able to enjoy eight films and two short films from several countries, including Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Mexico. This year the topic was “Politics and Social Justice” and the movies portrayed a wide range of topics such as politics, gender issues, migration, colonization, and human rights. These were streamed in Spanish with English subtitles or in English. The event was open not only to all students but to the whole Tallahassee community. A third of the movies were followed by panels composed of the director of the movies, FSU faculty members, people from the community, and/or FSU students. This facilitated a discussion of the topics brought up by the movies and allowed a deeper analysis. For instance, we did a panel with the two directors of the short films. We brought Alexandro Aldrete, co-director of the short film: La Muñeca Tetona, and had Sandra Luz López Barroso, director of the short-film: Artemio, through live-streamed. Both participated in an extensive exchange with the audience. Our community was able to enjoy, learn, discuss, and share the Hispanic heritage, creativity, and diversity during the Festival.

Date: November 14th
Purpose: The purpose of the event was to celebrate the pursuit of higher education by providing high school students from Tallahassee and other surrounding towns with an activity-filled day where they learned about Hispanic Culture and the value of higher education.
Event description: Hispanified 2018 was an event co-hosted by Cinehassee and the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication to celebrate the Hispanic heritage and promote higher education to local youth. This event was organized around the film Revoltoso, the closing movie of Cinehassee at FSU. The film was followed by a lunch and a talk with several graduate students about pursuing higher education. There was a campus tour.

Date: December 7th, 2018
Purpose: To expose the FSU community to the way Christmas is celebrated in Latin America.
Event description: HiGSA members prepared the traditional mate cocido, a famous beverage in Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina, and the Paraguayan Kaguyjy (white corn porridge). Also, we set up a table with pictures showing the traditions from countries such as Paraguay, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, etc. and flyers and pictures of HiGSA’s events.

Purpose: Explain to the new members about HiGSA and promote the activities planned for the future semester.
Event description: This was the first event of the semester where board members of HiGSA welcomed back current members and attracted the new ones to the organization. Basically, it was a social gathering where people got to know each other, talked about their academic plans, and shared experiences. For this event, HiGSA provided pizzas and beverages.

Date: February 16th, 2019
Purpose: The main goal of being part of the International Bazar is to share with FSU and Tallahassee community the traditional carnivals that take place in Hispanic countries. In this way, we can spread the Hispanic culture and engage FSU students to be part of the association and learn more about our culture. In addition, this is a great opportunity to interact and meet other FSU organizations and promote cultural exchange and future partnerships.
Event description: HiGSA was part of the International Bazar. At this event, HiGSA displayed a table with the theme of “Hispanic Carnivals”, where we shared the traditional clothes, music, and dances that take part in the celebration of Carnivals in different Hispanic countries. Also, Cincopando, formed by students from the College of Music that are members of our community, shared their music with the FSU community. Finally, we will share a traditional Hispanic dessert along with some Hispanic soft drinks.

Date: April, 5th, 2019
Purpose: The main goals of the event are to promote networks between the presenters and the undergraduate and graduate audience, to encourage mentorship relations between presenters and students with shared interests, and to narrow the gap between theory and practice favored by the format of the presentations (short and of easy understanding for non-experts).
Event description: HiGSA Talks offers a safe inclusive interdisciplinary space where the FSU members, doing any type research and work about Latin America or interested in Latin America, can share their findings and/or experiences. This year, we partnered with the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication, who helped HiGSA with the communication and advertising plans. We maintained last year’s format, in which students from different fields and nationalities shared their research and experiences with Hispanic countries and culture. We also brought two keynote speakers: Dr. Ivis Gardia, Assistant professor in City and Metropolitan Planning at the University of Utah, and Dr. Roger Pacheco, Ph.D. in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics from FSU, former HIGSA treasurer, and current Postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Engineering and Coastal Processes in Mexico. We close the event with empanadas from Super Perros and non-alcoholic beverages.

Date: April 21st, 2019
Purpose: To recognize those members that worked closely with the organization throughout the academic year to promote social and academic gatherings, those who were awarded for their academic excellence, and to say goodbye to those who finished their academic studies and are leaving Tallahassee.
Event description: This was the closing event of the academic year. It consisted of a social gathering, where we gave awards and recognitions to some members and had a social gathering at the Rez.

Date: September 13th, 2019 4 PM @ Center for Global Engagement, Room 2500
Purpose: Explain to the new members about HiGSA and promote the activities planned for the future semester.
Event description:The first official HiGSA event of the semester! It is a social gathering in which past and current members are introduced to new members. An event that allows you to make new friends, discuss academic plans, learn more about HiGSA, and enjoy food and beverages!

Date: September 13th, September 15th, September 22nd, September 29th, October 3rd, October 6th, October 13th, October 21st, and October 27th.
Purpose: Cinehassee streams a series of films from Hispanic countries, as well as those that address topics related to the Hispanic culture. The main goal of the Festival is to provide multiple viewpoints, inform, discuss, address complex social issues, strengthen ties between our diverse community, and raise awareness on issues concerning the characteristics, importance, and impact of the Hispanic people and their idiosyncrasies.
Event description: Cinehassee is an exceptional event, not only for the FSU Community but also for Tallahassee. The Festival is the only Hispanic film festival in Tallahassee and its surrounding areas. During an entire month, people were able to enjoy eight films and two short films from several countries, including Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Mexico. This year the topic was “Politics and Social Justice” and the movies portrayed a wide range of topics such as politics, gender issues, migration, colonization, and human rights. These were streamed in Spanish with English subtitles or in English. The event was open not only to all students but to the whole Tallahassee community. A third of the movies were followed by panels composed of the director of the movies, FSU faculty members, people from the community, and/or FSU students. This facilitated a discussion of the topics brought up by the movies and allowed a deeper analysis.

Date: October 3rd, 2019
Purpose: To celebrate the pursuit of higher education by providing high school students from Tallahassee and other surrounding towns with an activity-filled day where they learned about Hispanic Culture and the value of higher education. During this event, we stream a film related to Hispanic culture and hold a panel and luncheon afterwards.
Event description: Hispanified 2019 is an event co-hosted by Cinehassee and the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication to celebrate the Hispanic heritage and promote higher education to local youth. This event is organized around the film Pachamama. Students are given a campus tour before the film showing. Afterwards, a panel of staff, undergraduate and graduate students takes place and a luncheon.